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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

in Reno, Nevada

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As women age, their skin begins to lose elasticity, causing their breasts to sag. Significant weight loss, pregnancy, and nursing can also contribute to the sagging or drooping of breasts. Sagging (or ptotic) breasts can be corrected with a breast lift or mastopexy, a surgical procedure that creates firmer and more youthful-looking breasts. When Dr. LaDawn Talbott performs a breast lift in Reno, she trims away excess skin and tissue, and tightens the remaining skin, thus lifting the breasts into a more attractive position that looks natural, shapely, and perky.

Are you exhibiting any of the symptoms below? If yes, you may be a good candidate for a breast lift.

  • Sagging or drooping breasts caused by aging or gravity
  • Nipples or areolas pointing down/ positioned below breast fold
  • Breasts that have lost their volume and suppleness due to pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, or following weight loss

To be clear, a breast lift does not increase the size of the breasts; this is something that can be addressed by breast augmentation. A breast lift raises and reshapes the breasts to produce a fuller, rounder, and more youthful appearance. Women who wish to lift and add volume to their breasts may choose to undergo a breast lift combined with breast augmentation during the same surgery day for maximum breast enhancement.


Breast Lift Procedure

When Dr. Talbott performs a breast lift, she creates incisions along the base of the breast, around the areola, and between the areola and the base of the breast. She then removes excess skin below the nipple and relocates the nipple to a higher and more natural-looking position. The skin is then pulled taut and sutured in its new position. The breast lift procedure is usually completed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure in two to three hours. Because no two breast lift surgeries are alike.

Dr. Talbott always takes the patient’s personal goals and expected outcome into account, as well as their body type. The results of a successful breast lift are firmer, more youthful, and natural-looking breasts. Additionally, Dr. Talbott ensures that the incisions are made as discreetly as possible for minimal scarring, and can be easily concealed by a bra or bathing suit. The visibility of the incisions will subside, though they will never fully disappear. However, most women find that their new, shapelier busts are well worth the small marks left after surgery.

Breast Lift Recovery

The healing process following a breast lift surgery varies for every patient, but takes about a week. Patients should expect pain, discomfort, bruising, and swelling following surgery. These symptoms can be alleviated with pain medication prescribed by Dr. Talbott. She also recommends that patients wear surgical bras and avoid lying on their stomachs for the first few weeks after surgery. Most patients can return to work within a week of their breast lift surgery, although strenuous activities should be avoided for six weeks.

Considering a breast lift in Reno, NV? Contact Talbott Plastic Surgery Center today and schedule your consultation.

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5060 Meadowood Mall Circle Suite 200
Reno, NV 89502

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